[0:00] Good evening everyone. It's good to be with you again. We pray the Lord's blessing upon us. We'll begin our praise with Psalm 95, the first two verses in a moment. I'll read through these verses in English first.
[0:20] Psalm 95, we'll have a weef. This psalm comes into play in the reading that we have tonight.
[0:30] So we're going to sing it in Gaelic, the first two stanzas, and then we'll sing part of it in English as well during the service. And the words there are, O come let us sing to the Lord. Come let us, everyone. A joyful noise make to the rock of our salvation.
[0:50] Let us before his presence come with praise and thankful voice. Let us sing psalms to him with grace and make a joyful noise.
[1:02] We remain seated for this singing. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[1:22] O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[1:45] O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[1:57] O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[2:10] O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[2:28] O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[2:58] O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[3:28] O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[3:39] O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise. O come let us sing to the Lord. A call for us again to come before the presence of God in praise.
[4:19] O come let us pray through the presence of God in praise.
[4:45] of Jesus Christ that we may be revealed in your word anew this evening who you are what you have done for us how much you love us that you would die on the cross for us we pray that as we draw near to God that you would humble our hearts give us a reverence as we approach you knowing that we are surely weak in your presence but knowing that we are valued knowing that we are loved and wonder why you would love us such as we are when we look at our hearts we know our sin we look into our cups as we saw with the children we see all these sins and errors that we have made along our way we wonder at these things that keep us from God and yet still you call us to draw near to you you call us to come to you and even in the stubbornness of our hearts we find ourselves just like the children of Israel that you would call us stiff-necked people and such we are that we fall to the temptations of this world we easily are seduced by the devil the little foxes come in and spoil what you have done in our lives that Lord we pray anew that we would come before you acknowledging these things confessing our sins knowing that you are just and faithful to forgive us if we do so knowing that we have that promise to lay hold of that you will not forsake your people that you will continue with them and that you call us to remain faithful to you help us Lord to continue on the way to trust in your word to come back to it as our daily bread to be our guide in all circumstances to direct us and keep us to reassure us of your love and your grace for sinners such as we are to reassure us of the place that is prepared for those who trust in you to reassure us of a place where there will be no more tears no more pain and no more suffering that we would be restored in the riches of your grace to be righteous in your sight through Jesus Christ and be entered into your glory of all eternity
[7:49] Lord we pray that we would have a concern for those around us we pray that as we hear the gospel message as we receive it as we feed on it ourselves that we may look out and see others who are lost we see others who seem to be chasing the wind we see others who have no word of you who do not know about Jesus Christ so give us opportunity we pray to speak to those who we come in contact with to speak with those who we work with that we may be able to portray the gospel in words in our action in our response and how we speak to different circumstances that people may see in us something that is different something that is in many ways disconnected from this world in some way a reflection of Jesus Christ may we follow him as a great example may we follow that shepherd that will lead us to green pastures and still waters knowing that he will lead us through the valley of the shadow of death and knowing that if we follow and follow and follow not knowing even what is said before us we trust continually in all the uncertainties of life knowing that you have prepared a place for those who trust in you and are faithful to you we pray again for the preaching of your word this evening we pray for those who preach it we pray for your blessing upon we acknowledge your weakness as we come to your word and preaching of it but we pray your blessing upon it by the power of your spirit we pray not in words of eloquence but words of power in the spirit of the gospel of Jesus Christ who died on the cross at Calvary to save us from our sins who on the third day rose again who changed and turned the lives of the disciples upside down those who followed him even those who walked away and travelled the road to Emmaus after he died that you would meet with us that you would meet us as we maybe feel like we return to the old paths like the Emmaus road men did as they walked back away from the other believers all the while discussing what they had thought and seen but meet with us we pray turn us back if need be so that we may come rejoicing with the Lord's people and say
[11:01] I see I know I have received an understanding of the scripture the spirit has opened my eyes and unblocked my ears Jesus Christ is the living bread that I will feast upon so Lord we pray as we come to your word guide us in it we ask watch over us and keep us we pray protect us from the schemes of the evil one shut the door this evening from entering into our presence may you be a shield over us and a guard before us and may we see Christ in all his beauty in all his love in all his grace be with us we pray in Jesus name Amen we're continuing our praise by singing in mission praise 495 mission praise 495
[12:08] I have the words on the screen there for a heart to praise my God a heart from sin set free a heart that always feels thy blood so freely shed for me we'll stand together and we'll sing these words to God's praise!
[12:30] O fall the heart till praise my God a heart cross and set free a heart that always fills thy blood so freely shed for me a heart reason submissively my great Redeemer's throne where only Christ is heard to speak where
[13:31] Jesus reigns our Lord God a lowly contrite heart believing true and clear which neither light nor death can part!
[14:04] that dwells within a heart in every thought renewed and full of love divine perfect right and pure and good a copy Lord all thine thy nature gracious Lord in heart come quickly from above!
[14:58] thy new name upon my heart thy new best name not blood love we'll turn now to our reading and we'll read from Hebrews chapter 3 later to the Hebrews chapter 3 we'll read from the beginning of that passage we'll read the whole passage together let us hear God's word therefore holy brothers you who share in a heavenly calling consider Jesus the apostle and high priest of our confession who was faithful to him who appointed him just as
[16:08] Moses also was faithful in all God's house for Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honour than the house itself for every house is built by someone but the builder of all things is God now Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant to testify to the things that were to be spoken later but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son and we are his house if we if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope therefore as the Holy Spirit says today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion on the day of testing in the wilderness where your father put me to the test and saw my works for forty years therefore
[17:19] I was provoked with that generation and said they always go astray in their heart they have not known my ways as I swore in my wrath they shall not enter my rest take care brothers lest there be any lest there be in any of you an evil unbelieving heart leading you to fall away from the living God but exhort one another every day as long as it is called today that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin for we have come to share in Christ if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end as it is said today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as in the day in the rebellion for who were those who heard and yet rebelled was it not all those who left
[18:27] Egypt led by Moses and with whom was he provoked for forty years was it not with those who sinned whose bodies fell in the wilderness and to whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest but to those who were disobedient so we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief amen the reading of reading of God's word be a blessing to all who have heard it continue in our praise by singing again in psalm 95 in english psalm 95 in english we sing from verse 6 down to the end of that psalm or 6 to 11 oh come and let us worship him let us bow down with all and on our knees before the Lord our maker let us fall for he said
[19:31] God the people we of whose own pasture are and of his hand the sheep today if he his voice will hear then harden not your hearts as in the day of provocation as in the desert on the day of the temptation when me your father tempt and proved and did my work in sea even for the space of forty years this race has grieved me I said this people ehrish in heart my ways they do not know to whom I swear in wrath that to my rest they should not go familiar words from what we have just read in Hebrews chapter 3 and we'll come to consider this chapter as a whole that we'll sing these words to God's praise together O come and let us worship him let us bow down with all and stand to sinǵ „ with all
[20:47] And on her knees before the Lord, her baby's death as one.
[21:04] For he has loved the people we, all the sons of Asculine.
[21:20] And on his hands, the sheep to thee, the pious voice will hear.
[21:37] Let our own pure hearts have seen the provocation.
[21:53] Asculine the desert on the day of the temptation.
[22:08] When the earth passes, then can't do. And in my working sea, before the streets of the earth.
[22:34] This grace hath given me. I said, this people action high.
[22:51] My grace, they do not know. To whom I say in this heart that is my grace, they do not know.
[23:14] And we'll turn back to that passage that we read, Hebrews chapter 3. And words to consider there is verse 5 onwards.
[23:32] Now Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant. To testify to the things that were to be spoken later. But Christ is faithful over God's house as a son.
[23:46] And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope.
[23:59] And we are his house if we hold fast. This morning, in our passage, we considered the bread of life.
[24:13] Jesus Christ is the bread of life. A comparison that was made with the manna that Moses gave the people. And the comparison of the better bread that Jesus Christ gives to us even today.
[24:26] And now we come to this chapter in Hebrews. And it gives us a different perspective between these two men. Between Moses and Jesus. And this passage speaks of Jesus as a greater apostle.
[24:45] A greater high priest. A greater faithful servant than that of Moses. But it also speaks of a rest.
[24:57] An arrest that the children of Israel were to receive. They were to follow Moses. But when we look at this passage, we see we have a greater rest to receive through Jesus Christ.
[25:11] If we hold fast our confession to him and trust in him. Moses was taking the people to a land. Jesus Christ is taking them to a house.
[25:25] As we see in the passage here. A house and a home. Which is far better than just a land. Now this is the letter to the Hebrews.
[25:36] Just to put ourselves in the context of this letter. It was written to a group of Jewish converts.
[25:47] They had been Jews. They had converted to the Christian faith. And the writer here is reasoning with the Jewish converts. He's reasoning with them and explaining to them Jesus Christ.
[25:58] Who is Jesus Christ? And he's encouraging them to keep following Jesus Christ. And he exhorts them in this letter to continue. To continue. Continue with Christ.
[26:10] Do not return back to your old ways. Is what he's saying. And this exhortation we have here in this passage. But as you go through the letter. It is really a letter of exhortation.
[26:23] The whole letter is. If you go to the very end. His concluding words of this letter to the Hebrews. He says. I appeal to you brother. Bear with my word of exhortation.
[26:36] It's a loving appeal. To all these new believers. It's new believers he's talking to. To listen to his exhortation. And to consider it.
[26:49] He's telling them not to go back to their old ways. They were familiar with the Jewish customs. How things worked. And he's saying. Keep going. Keep going. It's almost as if.
[27:00] You learn to walk. But you think. I'm not going to. And then you revert to crawling again. You've got this. Greater experience in walking.
[27:12] But then you. You think. I'll just go back to crawling. I know what I'm doing when I'm crawling. One of our girls. When she was learning to ride her bike. It would always be a half turn. On the pedals.
[27:23] And a half turn on the pedals. And a half turn on the pedals. And then a push. And a half turn. And then you'd. You'd go alongside. You'd hold the foot on the pedal. And try and get it to go all the way around. And you.
[27:34] And you get it for a wee while. And you get it. And then. And then she revert to the half. Half turn again. Half turn again. Half turn. And it was a struggle. Before she got that. The full. Movement of the pedals.
[27:46] Far better. Far greater. Took a while. She had to be encouraged. Just to keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Now as we look at this.
[27:57] Chapter here. And bearing that in mind. That he's exhorting them. To keep on. Keep on. Keep going. This chapter begins with a. A therefore. And.
[28:08] Often that word is there. For a reason. And it is. Usually pointing back. To what has happened before. Or what he has written before. Saying something is. He's explaining something.
[28:19] And therefore. So and so. Is there for. So. So what is he saying. Before. What is he saying. Chapter one. And chapter two. Of this letter.
[28:30] Before he reasons that Jesus. Is greater. Well. Hebrews chapter. One. Verse three. Great verse. To remember. Starts off. Talking about Jesus.
[28:41] Jesus is. Superior. In every way. He is the radiance. Of the glory of God. And the exact. Imprint. Of his nature.
[28:52] Look at Jesus. We see. God. In Jesus. Jesus. Exact imprint. Of God. Jesus. They are in chapter two. Is the founder.
[29:03] Of their salvation. This changes. Everything. For the Jews. Who believed. In the same God. To see Jesus. As this God.
[29:14] And also in fact. The founder. Of their salvation. In fact. You. You go through. The whole letter. Of Hebrews. You'll see the writer. Is reasoning. Jesus.
[29:25] Greater. Than anyone else. Greater. Than any. Other angel. Greater. Other prophet. Greater. Other priest. Than any. Other king.
[29:36] And it's a book. Of statements. About Jesus. And subsequent. Results. Hence. The language. That you have. In it. Is.
[29:47] Therefore. It's making a statement. And explaining it. You'll also have the word. Since. Scattered. Through this letter. As well. But all the time. When he's saying. Look at Jesus.
[29:58] Therefore. It means this. What Christ has done. Since these things. Are true. And this. Has this meaning. For us today. With that reasoning. He's working it out. He's all the time.
[30:09] Speaking to the congregation. Speaking to everyone. And you go through this letter. Also. You. If you do go. And you do go through it. And you read it. In your own time. Note. The.
[30:20] The let us. Phrases. That is used. Let us. As a phrase. Students. As a congregation. Let us. Consider. Jesus. Therefore.
[30:31] Let us. Hold fast. Our confession. Let us. Not neglect. Meeting together. And the likes. And the thing. And the thing. And the thing. And the thing.
[30:41] tonight.
[31:10] It's a good way to live our lives. Looking at Jesus and asking what does it mean for us? What he has done for us? This passage compares Jesus now as greater than Moses.
[31:27] Moses the man that we met in the morning. Moses the man that led the people out of captivity. Moses the man that gave the law to Israel, the Ten Commandments. Moses the man that wrote the first books of the Bible. Even so Jesus is the greater of the two.
[31:44] As we consider Jesus this evening I want us to hold on to the imagery that is presented here at the beginning of this chapter as an aid. It's not explicit throughout the chapter but it's an aid to help our understanding of this chapter and that is the imagery of the builder that is set before us here.
[32:03] Now as we know with any building the wisest thing to do would be to set out with a design a plan start off with that and if we're going to build it we must stick to the plan we must not deviate from the plan so we'll have the design we'll have deviate that's our second point and the third point is once the building is complete once everything is put together the way to get into it is through the door.
[32:35] Design deviate door following that imagery we have of the building that is set forth for us at the beginning of this chapter as an aid to help us to understand. So what of the design?
[32:46] Whenever you set out to build of course you have a plan design building there'll be a name of an architect probably associated with that plan knowing who has created this plan who is the designer of this plan so if you have a problem you can come back to this person who has designed all things.
[33:09] And the writer here is saying in verse 4 that every house is built by someone but the builder of all things is God.
[33:21] So in that sense God is the master builder he is the builder of all things he is the one who builds our salvation as the founder of our salvation.
[33:37] And over this design over this house the person that is in charge of this design is Christ. Christ is faithful over God's house as a son.
[33:50] The son is in sense the one that is in charge of all these things in whom all authority has been given Matthew's gospel tells us.
[34:06] God has of course a plan of redemption a plan to save us all a plan through is worked out through Jesus Christ and it's a plan that includes each and every one of us here.
[34:22] the writer to the Hebrews is speaking to the Jewish people telling them not to go back to the old ways not to go back to the ways that Moses had taught you to live by.
[34:38] He sends them consider Jesus think about Jesus Moses he's saying he was only a servant in this great plan in this great design in this great building project he is not the head he is not the seat of authority all the weight does not rest on his shoulder Christ is the one who is over God's house as a son and of course Moses was a great figure to the Jews they couldn't really erase Moses out of their religion nor should they have because as we see verse 5 tells us Moses was important tells us he was faithful in all God's house but only as a servant and as a servant what he was doing was testifying to the things that would be spoken of later on you have a design often they'll make a wee 3D model of it to show what it'll be like computer simulation probably nowadays walk you through it show you what it's like it's not the real thing but it's the best portrayal they can make of it to show you how it will be when all things come together and all things are built what it will be like what the greater building will be like
[36:16] Moses' faithfulness was testifying to things that would come later showing forth how great God's house would be Moses was a man that would save the nation defeat their enemies lead them through the wilderness feed them with the bread pray for the people bring them before God but Jesus is the greater as we saw in the morning and in fact all that Moses taught and all the sacrifices all the rituals associated with the tabernacle all the laws of Moses the high priests associated with Moses Jesus is superior to all these things all these Old Testament rituals that they were faithful to all these Old
[37:16] Testament sacrifices all these orders all these the building of the temple it's all things that testified to what would come in Jesus Christ all things point to Christ in the Old Testament is what is really safe all these sacrifices high priests the tabernacle building should point us and show us more of what Christ has done and more of what this great building that God is building for his people in his time will be like Jesus is the center though of this great plan of redemption this great place that has been prepared for his people now if you're to go into a house and you see this beautiful place a new house you walk in it's well designed you might ask where did you get these things where did you get this kitchen did you design it yourself it's nice it's beautiful but we're not at that level
[38:38] I don't think say you go into someone else's house and you go in and you see it's all hand crafted it's all sandstone blocks on the outside it's all oak carvings on the doors it's all oak facings and everything is hand crafted that's what we're talking about here what God is building is not something mass produced it is a special and specific building it is something where you go now if you went into that house everything's hand crafted everything's a one off you're not asking where did you get it because you know it's not easily got you're asking who on earth did this who made that for you you're in awe that someone has done such a work it is the finest of craftsmanship it is something that is special it is something that is full of skill and great design it is something that is beautiful it is something that is incompatible you look at what the glory well you look to see we're looking at this building image you look at this building you're looking at the details of it and you're seeing every cut every paint stroke honor honor the person who built it honor the builder of all things and worthy is the honor of the man that builds it because it is so beautiful
[40:25] I think this is a better understanding of what we have here in the passage it all points the glory and honor back to Jesus and you know the most amazing thing about this building that has been prepared for his people verse 6 and we are his house halfway through we are part of this work of God Ephesians 2 verse 10 tells us we are his workmanship and when we are talking about this house it is not merely a house or a place it is not merely a land like Moses brought the people into the word here house represents a household that changes the meaning it is not a building it a household it is a place for a family it is a household of
[41:39] Israel that terminology household of different people groups in the Bible it is a household of God and you come back to that verse again and you think we are his house and it is not just that we are included in this house but it is that each and every member of it is shaped and fashioned in such a special and particular way to be part of this great and special house that the Lord is preparing for his people it is a beautiful place and he makes you beautiful for it and when people look at you as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ they should be able to see as I see in many of us the work of that master builder the mark of his hand not painting strokes but in the smallest minutest details of our lives the way we act the way we speak the way we behave the way we honour
[42:58] God the way we read our Bibles the different way that we think about things in this life they are all marks that the Lord Jesus has put in us marks that the Lord Jesus reshapes us to be that we will be fitting and be fitted for this great house that has been prepared or household that has been prepared because it is a family of people that are being prepared for his glory we are part of the house specially!
[43:41] prepared and when we act differently in this world really what it should do not just mark a difference it should see the hand of God work in us but also the result should be the praise the glory the honour goes to the one who has done the work in us to the Lord Jesus Christ his hand has begun maybe to craft you to work in you to shape me but we are his workmanship in this world that is what he designs to do that is what he has planned to do but the clause of that great promise of Jesus Christ is if we hold fast our confidence and boasting in the Lord if we are faithful to him if indeed we hold fast our confidence firm to then verse 14 calls us to persevere in our faith to hold fast to the one that has begun a good work in us as a
[44:54] Hebrew writer is writing to those who have begun to follow the ways encourage him and exhort him continue follow be faithful the Lord is at work in you do not deviate from the work that has begun that's our second point do not deviate and really we find that from verse 7 through to verse 15 in this passage maybe you know yourself that when a building progresses midway through people will come and have a check over to see how things are progressing we check all things will fit together and if a mistake is found they'll maybe follow up with those who are responsible for that area and ask why didn't you not follow a plan a plan is there it's set out for you and if you don't follow it this isn't going to work it's going to be a mess you can't just change it to suit it the way you think we're doing this for a reason we're building it this way so another company can come in and fit parts that you don't understand anything about for example you might be looking at the plan and maybe trying to understand well
[46:11] I can't figure out why it's been done this way you might think well you must be meaningless I have far better understand if I change this and do this that works better in my head but if it's not following the plan people come in and shake it they'll disregard your ideas say well these two things can't exist beside each other you follow the plan or you don't remember the letter it's written to believers tempted to return to the old ways to the ways that they knew best the ways that they understood these were much easier for them to understand so we were saying in the morning the people who Jesus spoke to they didn't really understand fully what Jesus what it all meant what Jesus was doing what he was out working at the time but now we have the greater benefit we can see these things!
[47:21] Jesus tells them the writer here tells these new believers who don't really understand maybe what's going on we want to turn back to the old ways and make more understanding to them he presents an example to the people if you're going to deviate I must warn you and he quotes Psalm 95 here which harkens back to the children of Israel who followed Moses children of Israel that you can read about in Numbers 14 just as they were going to enter into the land of Canaan sent spies into the land spies came back most of them been fear in the hearts of all those that were with them only two said they could do it the rest of them were saying we can't defeat these people they're far stronger than us we can't do!
[48:17] And the people of Israel then decided what are we! here we need to go back they hardened their hearts against what the Lord had promised and planned and designed for them they hardened their hearts again they wanted a new leader they wanted to go back to Egypt where they had all the food that they could have where they were in safety where they didn't have to fight the writers warning them don't be like these people again then don't go judgment on those who turned against his plan for them that they would not enter the land of Cain they would not enter into that rest and for 40 years they wandered in the land the writer is warning them do not harden at hearts against the Lord do not turn aside from following his ways do not rebel!
[49:18] against his plans be faithful continue and as a believer maybe you can say I don't know the Lord's plan for me I've never had so many questions as a believer I've never had so many challenges since I started following the Christian way and that might well be true and it is often true for many of us it's never been so difficult it's never been so testing and certainly it is a true temptation to go back to the old ways you look back and like the children of Israel look back at the ways they lived look back at thinking I could be living in East right now I could actually be building myself my own house I wouldn't have to worry about how I treated people how I spoke to people I would have no reason to forgive others I could fulfill all the desires of my heart expect the devil to tempt you like that he will try and get you to turn back you shall war a fight with the devil with the evil one that will try and persuade you to go back telling you you don't fit into this plan reminding!
[50:43] You don't understand what God is doing in your life and he's saying to you just go back the warning here is don't harden your hearts against God's word don't harden your hearts against God's plan don't harden your hearts against the way that the Lord is working in your life today yes it may be difficult but be faithful hold fast your confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ don't turn around Jesus is your daily bread tomorrow may look impossible tomorrow tomorrow you may be baffled by what he is doing today you do not understand may the Lord Jesus Christ be your daily bread that you trust in that we do not harden our hearts against as we see in this passage in verse seven today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as they did in the rebellion using the example of the children of
[51:56] Israel he repeats that phrase again warning them and emphasizing it midway through verse 15 today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion to it and he makes note of today halfway through verse 13 as well he repeats the importance of today today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts to it today if you hear the gospel do not harden your hearts to it today if you hear this warning and exhortation do not harden your hearts to it and just to be clear when we mention exhortation that word does not just when we think about it maybe carries the idea of correction or hardness to it but exhortation is really the word really means it's an appeal to you it's an encouraging word to you it's a comforting word to you exhorting you to come together as the writer the
[53:06] Hebrews does to reason with him and let us be as one people together in this he's pleading with the people don't go back as I plead with any of you today that are tempted to go back!
[53:27] today if you hear the gospel do not harden your hearts to this word do not harden your hearts to Christ trust in him and hope in him do not deviate from his paths follow him and follow him and be an encouragement to others today if you hear it do not harden your hearts he says also to the church here in this passage in verse 13 he tells them exhort one another every day as long as it is called today that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin he encourages each and every one of us to exhort one another which means being mindful of one another knowing that we are all in or forming part of this house we look out for one another encourage one and not just correct one another all the time not just picking holes in one another and looking for the speck in your brother to have you may there be a log in your own but be a truly caring encouraging word truthfully confessing and speaking with one another of the difficulties of not understanding the difficulties of not knowing why God is working all things for good in your life today not understanding why things have happened in the past not having an answer to the most difficult questions that you have in your life if it is being built and I am being built for the glory of God then so be it let us join together in reasoning and understanding what Christ has done what God is doing because we share in that work we share in what
[55:47] Christ has done in verse one it mentions a sharing and a heavenly calling but also it mentions in verse 14 again a great verse for we have come to share in Christ that's a loaded phrase what have we come to share in Christ so many things we are saved we are washed clean we are told to take up our cross daily we have come to receive that immeasurable riches of his grace in Christ Jesus we are the greatest of receivers and so he's calling as I do call to you today hold firm and steadfast to the Lord Jesus Christ an exhortation made in love to encourage each and every one of us not to deviate not to go astray you read pilgrim's progress and you hear us in diverting off the path going the wrong way the Lord corrected there was an exhortation to come back the right way do not deviate from the plan the design is there the warning is there not deviate and finally and briefly there is a door to enter door to enter into not this land but this beautiful household this family the Lord is preparing for his people a greater land that really does flow with milk and honey greater than the land that Moses promised when the building is complete we enter through the door now you look at this passage here from verse 16 again we have a series of questions as we did in the morning and we have questions there where the writer in his exhortation pleads for the people and says who were they that did not enter who who was this land for and when they did not follow it well who were these people he said it was the people who were led by Moses it was the people who had been fed the manna in the wilderness it was the people who had been led through the
[58:24] Red Sea the people who had received the Ten Commandments who stood at the mountain of Sinai and saw the great thundering clouds the fear in their heart that they could not come before God the same people that were led by the cloud through the wilderness the flame of fire in the night time the same people that built the tabernacle as a dwelling place of God these people are the ones that turned away they knew all about God they knew all about who he was what he has done today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts who is it that has heard the gospel here tonight how long have you been listening to the gospel how long maybe have you not acted or responded how long have you not believed in all that you have heard the warning is here you know what Jesus
[59:33] Christ has done for you it is faithfully proclaimed here to you week by week and he's pleading with you as I plead with you do not harden your hearts to the message of the gospel what do you think will happen if you do what do you think will happen to the door these people who disobeyed in verse 19 it tells us that they were unable to enter because of their unbelief imagine what it would be like to go home and have the door shut on you it would be a heartbreaking experience knowing you could not get into your home the dwelling place of God is with man and we as God's creation made in his image belong there we are made for his presence and really that's the only place we will find our home to be a part of this house that he is building we have heard the gospel we have heard the message of
[60:51] Jesus Christ and the message today is if you have heard it and if you hear it again do not harden your hearts to it all who believe in him shall enter all who believe have the promise of an eternal rest and hope all who believe have the promise of being part of the family of God's people if we hold fast our confession and profession if we do not lean on our own understanding but follow the plan the guide that we have in the Bible that we hold fast to this word as our guide to live by each day and if it would be an exhortation let us exhort one another let the Bible exhort us as personal people in the privacy of our own hearts as a gathered church let us hear this exhortation let us hear the gospel promises that we would not deviate from it that we would not turn aside from it but we share in
[62:09] Christ Jesus if we do what a beautiful promise we have what a beautiful place to be prepared where you will be a part of if you believe and trust in him if you are faithful to him to the end today hold fast today have faith today we may not understand but today the Lord is telling you to receive his word to trust in him and he promises you today if you do so he will provide for you an eternal rest if we are faithful to the end if we hold fast our confession the door will open to us with the words well done good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the
[63:10] Lord will the door be open to you today do you believe in the Lord Jesus as the greatest saviour and the only saviour greater than any other prophet priest king our only hope of salvation let us not harden our hearts to him but let us receive it with joy that we would be part of his household part of his building and part of his better rest that he has prepared for each of us may these thoughts be blessed to us all we'll conclude by singing in praise in the words of the hymn yet not I but Christ in me what a gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer there is no more for heaven now to give he is my joy my righteousness and freedom my steadfast love my deep and boundless peace we'll stand together and we sing these words to God's praise what a word what a gift of grace is
[64:28] Jesus my redeemer there is no more for heaven now to give he is my joy my righteousness and freedom my love my love my deep and boundless peace!
[64:55] to this I hold my hope is only Jesus for my life is fully bound to end!
[65:11] oh how strange and divine I can say all is mine not not I but through Christ in me the night is dark but I am not forsaken for by my side the Savior he will stay I lay the wrong in weakness and rejoicing for in my need this power is displayed to this I hold my shepherd will defend me through the deepest valley he will lead all the night has been won and
[66:15] I shall overcome yet not I but through Christ in me your faith I dread I know I am forgiven the future should the price it has been paid for Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon!
[66:47] and he was raised to overthrow the game to this I hold my sin has been defeated!
[67:01] Jesus now and ever is my plea! all the chains are released I can say I am free yet not I but Christ in me!
[67:23] With every breath I long to follow Jesus for he has said that he will bring me home and day by day I know he will renew me until I stand with joy before the throne to this I hold my hope is only Jesus and the glory ever more to him when the race is complete still my lips shall repeat yet not I but the Christ in me when the race is complete still my lips shall repeat yet not
[68:29] I but the Christ in me I conclude with Jude's words now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy to the only God our Saviour through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory majesty dominion and authority before all time and now and forever amen